Our Partners

We partner with the state parties, statehouse political caucuses, and local party organizations throughout our six states. 

Our organizational partners include: 

Bluebonnet Data

Bluebonnet Data is a people-powered nonprofit with a mission to democratize data. They recruit, train, and organize people with skills in coding and data science to volunteer on data analyst teams for progressive campaigns and causes.

Great Lakes Political Academy

The Great Lakes Political Academy has trained more than 250 fellows since 2013. GLPA runs general programs and specialization programs that are highly regarded across the state of Michigan. 

Illinois Democratic County Chairs Association

IDCCA‘s mission is to build a dynamic and sustainable Democratic partnership resource organization. The IDCCA provides training and best practices guidance to all 102 Illinois Democratic County Parties and their members. The IDCCA is committed to Democratic values and victories at every level including county, statewide, and national level.

Lead PA

Lead PA exists to seek out, encourage and cultivate a new generation of progressive community and civic leaders across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. We identify future leaders with the potential to serve in elected positions, appointed positions, or in advocacy roles in their communities.

Lead OH

Lead OH exists to recruit, train, connect, and support individuals, especially those from communities that are underserved and underrepresented, who want to build a more equitable Ohio through progressive change. 

National Democratic Training Committee

The NDTC has educated over 13,000 Democratic Party candidates nationally with its highly recommended online course focusing on core campaign skills. Rust Belt Rising’s programs are designed to complement the NDTC’s trainings: NDTC teaches nuts and bolts campaigning skills in a nonpartisan way; Rust Belt Rising is Midwest regional and helps Democratic candidates connect with voters on the bread-and-butter issues that matter most to working families. Learn more and sign up

Run for Something

Run for Something helps recruit and support first-time progressive millennial (40 and under) candidates who are running for local office. Through partnerships, resources, mentorship, and coaching, candidates are positioned to be leaders who will advocate for progressive values now and for the next 30 years. Learn more about who they endorse, who they fund, and introduce yourself.


Ragtag is a group of community and civic activists working together online and in their communities to build technology for social good. They represent 400+ volunteers who are donating their experience and expertise in technology to boost and facilitate offline community building. Learn more and request assistance at Ragtag.org.

Rural Voters Institute

The Rural Voter Institute was created to research and develop more effective ways of communicating with rural voters. 

Turn PA Blue

Interested in partnering with Rust Belt Rising to train Democratic candidates? Contact us today. We are interested in forming new training partnerships and welcome your input.